
Dear Friends,
We want to tell you how grateful we are that you are willing to consider adoption. We cannot express all of our feelings in words, but thank you.
About Us
Ryan moved to Utah to go to school with his friend. We met at a church dance and didn't really fall in love at first sight. It took some time and then we knew we were meant to be. Our first "real" date was going bowling with a group of his friends.

We dated for about a year before getting engaged. We got married in March of 2005 in the Salt Lake Temple. We lived in Utah for the first 6 years of our marriage and then moved to sunny California for a year. We got to California and realized it wasn’t the best place for us to  raise a baby (Ryan was worked very long hours and was never home). We prayed about it and felt it was best for our little family to move back to Utah.  We built a new house in a lovely, family oriented community.  We have a pool/hot tub/club house almost in our backyard.  You can go up the street and be in the mountains, cross the street and be at a huge park or down the street to the lake for boating!. We have a large lot and a huge back yard for lots of safe playtime. Our street is full of kids playing!
As a couple we enjoy traveling, going out on our boat with our families, and having date nights with our friends.
We have many traditions on both sides of our family. With Stacy's Family: Every other Sunday Stacy's mom makes the whole family dinner. She is always so sweet and the food is always good. We do a lot together. We go to car shows, dinner, movies, go camping (sister has a camper and we take our boat), and eating Christmas breakfast with our extended family. With Ryan's family: we go to the beach, hot tubing, BBQ’s, and we have to eat cheese in a can on road trips. Two times a year, all of Ryan's family gets together. That's right- that’s 7 siblings, their spouses, and their kids. It usually ends up being about 40 people in one house. The whole time we get weird looks when we all go out in public in such a big group and no one gets any sleep, but we love it. We all eat and play tons of games and laugh. In church, as a married couple, we have had mostly team callings- mostly in nursery and the last one we had was teaching the 5 years olds. Our Traditions: We always have a party at our house for Christmas Eve and eat Mexican Food and watch movies and we always get pajamas’ on Christmas Eve. Another tradition, surrounds Easter, The Easter Bunny hides our baskets while we are sleeping, so we have to hunt for them Easter morning. We also make cookies whenever we want a midnight snack.
We are finally in a place in our lives where we can afford to have kids and we are ready for them and after three years of trying to conceive, our prayers have been answered through the possibility of adoption. 4 years ago, Stacy became very sick and had to be in the hospital for a month with an ulcer. Because of all the surgery she had, she is unable to have kids. We am very thankful that God has another way to create an eternal family for us. We are so grateful for adoption. We are a young and outgoing couple that is excited to start our family and raise our children with the gospel. We cannot wait to open our home and hearts to a birth family. We want to teach our kids about the gospel and how amazing it is to have the Church in our lives. I want them to have a testimony and eventually be sealed and have a family of their own. We want to teach them about being a hard worker. We will offer them protection, stability, and guidance, while loving them more than they will know.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better. We cannot comprehend the feelings and emotions you have at this time in your life, but we understand this decision is not easy for you. We are praying and thinking of you daily. We believe, should you select us to be the parents of your child, it will be because of divine influence. We respect you and are so thankful for you and for your incredible strength.
Ryan and Stacy
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